Cas Peace – Master of Malice Book One: The Scarecrow


Cas lives in the lovely county of Hampshire, southern UK, where she was born. On leaving school she trained for two years before qualifying as horse-riding instructor. During this time she also learned to carriage-drive. She spent thirteen years in the British Civil Service before moving to Rome, Italy, where she and her husband, Dave, lived for three years. They enjoy returning whenever they can. Cas supports many animal charities and owns two rescue dogs. She has a large collection of cacti and loves gardening. She is also a folk singer/songwriter and is currently writing and recording nine folk-style songs to accompany each of her fantasy books. You can listen to and download all the songs from her website:

See the video of her performing live at the King’s Enjoy book launch here:

Find out more at her website:
Q&A With the Author:

1.  Describe yourself in 50 words or less.
I’m female, British, and I adore writing fantasy. I have a wonderful husband and two gorgeous rescue dogs. I’m quite small, at 62 inches, and I also love country walks, folk singing and singing in our church choir, growing cacti, riding horses, and working with stained glass.
2. What do you love most in the world?


My husband and my family, and I include our two rescue dogs, Milly and Milo, in the word “family”. I have a brother and my parents, and my husband has three adult children and six granddaughters, so family get-togethers are great fun!


Connect with the Author here: 

Pure evil resists all attempts to destroy it, seeking only its ultimate vengeance.
Three years have passed since Reen’s trial and exile and changes have occured at the Manor. Taran now resides in Loxton Castle as Elias’s Court Artesan, with Sullyan, General Blaine, and Colonel Vassa all making regular tours of guard duty there. Accused of corrupting her daughter Princess Seline, the disgraced former queen, Sofira, has been exiled to Bordenn, where she nurses a bitter heart. And a terrible scarecrow creature has taken roost in a dank cell below the palace of Lerric, Sofira’s father.
Word reaches Sullyan of Reen’s suicide. The lack of a body and a series of dreadful events in Port Loxton—a vicious murder, a brutal ambush, and a devastating fire—raise doubts in her mind. She launches an investigation, unsuspecting of the evil that’s about to be unleashed… 


Grab your copy of the book today!



Lerric, aging client-king of Bordenn, stood in the dark doorway. A damp, noisome smell assailed his nose, the drip of water reached his ears. Lerric shivered, his reaction not wholly due to the chill in the air.
Deep within the lightless room he detected a hint of movement. Creaking leather, a hiss of pain. Lerric stepped one pace farther from the door’s protection and raised his lamp. As soon as the faint yellow light touched—and flinched from—the dark form huddled on the truckle bed along the far wall, a vicious curse sounded. A crooked hand flew up to shield eyes that could no longer bear good, honest light.
“Put that out, you bloody fool! Would you blind me entirely?”
“Ah . . . your pardon.”
Lerric shuttered the lamp and gloom reclaimed the cell. When his eyes grew accustomed to the darkness, the king assessed the cell’s lone occupant.
Habitually dapper and well-fed, his body had assumed scarecrow proportions. A parody of his former self. The fastidiously clean and expensive raiment was replaced by a thin, shabby robe of dusty black. A darker blot amid the shadows, it barely disguised the gaunt frame it covered.
Gone were the arrogant swagger and confident poise, replaced by a savage desire for revenge, a thirst for retribution. Three years of incarceration and hopelessness, of nursing raging grievances, hadn’t lessened the pious fervor and deeply-held beliefs. Thirty-six interminable months of imprisonment and deprivation had served only to deepen his determination to rid the land of those to whom he owed his life. Those without whose mercy he would have suffered a horrific and agonizing death.
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Deb Atwood – 31 Ghost Novels to Read Before You Die

Deb Atwood holds an MFA and lives in California with her husband and rescue dog Nala. Her time-slip novel Moonlight Dancer was selected as a front page Featured Review by Book Ideas. Deb’s work has appeared in numerous anthologies. Her interests include ghost fiction, Korean culture, quilting, and, of course, reading.


Q&A With the Author:
Me in 50 words.
My mother claims I was born 150 years too
late. That’s because I hand quilt, carry lace-edged handkerchiefs, and prefer
train travel. So, yes, much of the 19th century suits me. Exception:
dentistry. When my dentist breaks open his pouch of silver tools, I say,
“Nitrous oxide, please.”
What do you love most in the world?


from the loved ones in my life, I’m devoted to reading. In fact, you might even
call me an addict. I read in bed at night. When I drive to and from work, I
listen to audiotapes. At my work break and before my rest time, I read. At any
one time, I’m involved in at least three books. If my bedside stack starts to
shrink, I get the shakes. 


Connect with the Author here: 
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“As readers of Deb Atwood’s blog Pen In Her Hand know, Atwood is passionate about ghost fiction. Since 2011, Atwood has read, re-read, and written about ghost literature. 31 Ghost Novels to Read Before You Die presents a selection of the best of these posts. 

Among the books discussed are old favorites (The Turn of the Screw by Henry James, The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson) as well as some indie gems few people will know about (The 20’s Girl, the Ghost, and All That Jazz by June Kearns). There are ghost novels for every reader, in genres ranging from historical to literary to romance. “


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So, here’s the question: Was my insomnia the
result of an inability to abandon Bag of Bones until the final sentence?
All I know is the night I started Stephen
King’s novel, 2:53 AM found me munching cheddar cheese rice crackers and
ploughing through page after page of Bag of Bones.
I was in love with this story from the first,
empathizing with writer Mike Noonan as he struggles to come to terms with his
wife’s untimely death. I could not help but root for widow Mattie, her
precocious daughter Kyra, and Mike who falls in love with both of them and
joins their battle against a heartless and powerful grandfather.
I have to say that two thirds of the way
through the book, the narrative veered into dark territory, and I experienced
reader shock. My mistake. This is, after all, Stephen King. What began as a
sweet damsel in distress love story (I don’t mean that in a pejorative sense as
Mattie possesses plenty of spunk and courage and strength) of the good guy vs.
bad guy variety morphed into GOOD vs. EVIL on a magnified scale. (I’m
thinking of the Richter scale here, and yes, I was quaking.)
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Nichole Giles – Legacy


Nichole Giles, the author of DESCENDANT, BIRTHRIGHT, and WATER SO DEEP, has lived in Nevada, Arizona, Utah, and Texas. She is a huge fan of all things paranormal and magical. Her dreams include owning a garden full of fairies, riding a unicorn, and taming the pet dragon she adopted at a recent local ComiCon. His name is Zane. She also loves to spend time with her husband and four children, travel to tropical and exotic destinations, drive in the rain with the convertible top down, and play music at full volume so she can sing along.

Q&A With the Author:

Describe yourself in 50 words
or less.
An introverted socialite who gives out hugs
for free, young-looking, old-feeling mother of the bride x2, justice-seeking,
judgment-hating, preacher of compassion and spreading love. Creative and
scatterbrained, lives a life of organized chaos. Free-spirited, sun-worshiping
summer lover. Down with winter! 
What do you love most in the
My family. And
then probably the ocean.
What do you fear most?


Losing my loved
ones, despite a deep understanding/belief that death is not the end. We’ve lost
a lot of them over the last few years—and even knowing that doesn’t temper the
ache of missing those who have moved on. Also, I think taxes. Because isn’t
that what people always say? Death and taxes? 


Connect with the Author here: 
After the chaos of Mexico, Abby and Kye have lost everything but each other. They’re on the run with no purpose, no allies, and very little money. To make things worse, Abby’s wound from the Arawn Dagger is draining her power, leaving her unable to access her Light, or her Healing ability.While the hunt for her long-lost father takes them back through Abby’s childhood homes, they’re forced to question everything they’ve been taught and everyone they’ve ever trusted—including each other. After a desperate attempt to Heal Abby’s wound goes horribly awry, and with the demons they thought they’d lost hot on their heels, the star-crossed couple is forced to face some painful realities that will change life for everyone they know.

When Abby’s best friend is kidnapped by demons, Abby and Kye abandon their search and launch a rescue attempt that morphs into a battle, the outcome of which will determine if Abby and her friends have what it takes to rid the world of demons, or if the royal bloodline and the Gifted generation will be obliterated once and for all.



Once we’re checked in, I follow Kye to the elevator and down the
hall to our room, dragging my suitcase behind me. He opens the door and waves
me ahead of him. Dropping my bags on the floor, I stumble to the bed and fall
backward onto it to stare at the ceiling. Kye’s face appears above mine. “You
              I nod. “Exhausted. But I’ll live.”
              His smile eases some of the
tension between us. “I hope so. If you didn’t, I couldn’t.” He sits next to me
and runs his fingers down my jaw, across my cheek. “I thought it would be good
to have some time alone. We should talk before we get to Kiersten’s.”
              We’ve been alone since we left. My stomach twists with anxiety, and
I can’t prevent the catch in my voice. “More confessions?”
              His fingers keep moving, tracing
my collar bone and shoulder. “No. But I think we need to at least try to make a
plan, figure out where we’re going—what comes next. Sleeping arrangements.” He
glances meaningfully at the pillows. “Didn’t occur to me until now that maybe I
should ask for a double. We’ve been sharing for long enough that I just
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David Harris Lang – A Devil In Hong Kong

David Harris Lang, a current resident of Hong Kong, has lived and worked in Asia much of his life. Besides being a prolific author of Asian-based thrillers, he is an international architect who brings an indelible sense of place’ to his writing as well as a deep understanding of Asian cultures, locales, and customs. His vivid fight scenes come from a life-long practice of the martial arts. A Devil in Hong Kong is David Lang’s third book.
Q&A With the Author: 
you have a favorite author?
Stephen King is definitely
my favorite. From word-one he has me hooked.
is one piece of advice you could give to a new author that you wish someone had
passed to you?
Just sit down and write,
every day. Don’t listen to critics or people telling you it’s too difficult.
Write for you.
Connect With the Author Here:
On a snowy day in the year 889, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty had an epiphany: he was not immortal. His jade carver created the most beautiful jade burial suit in history, finishing just three weeks before the Han Emperor died. When the priceless two-thousand-year-old jade burial suit suddenly goes missing in modern Hong Kong, a brutal competition to find it ensues between rival Chinese, Burmese, and Japanese factions. As they battle for the priceless artifact, a psychotic killer with a Maori tattoo on his face surfaces leaving a trail of dismembered corpses strung together like traditional Burmese puppets. Detectives Ian Hamilton and Angela Cheung follow a trail of hacked bodies and terror through contemporary Hong Kong in their search for the killer.


“Right, Liquid Hero. National eliminations are going
to be held right here, dude. Anaheim Convention Center. You should do it!”
“Entry fee is $200.00, Scott. Don’t have the bones.”
Carl said as he reached into a crumpled, grease-stained paper bag and pulled
out a French fry.
“You could get the smack easy, Dude. Lame-gamers pay
big dinero to people like us for weapons and armor and shit. You know that
Sword of Wuhan that you captured in ‘Wasted Souls’? You could sell that bad boy
for big bucks. What about the Invisibility Armor from ‘Blood Bath’ you got when
you killed the giant Kappa? You can sell lots of shit like that online to
lame-o’s.” Scott said.
“Selling virtual crap for real money, I heard about
it. ‘The Man’ Maniero comes up with a plan! Not bad!” Carl said.
“How do you think I’ve been funding all that E we been
rollin’ with, dude? Selling virtual weapons online is how!” Scott said as he
rummaged in the breast pocket of his plaid shirt. He removed a plastic medicine
bottle, and then wiped his Doritos stained fingers on his jeans.
“Which, by the way, we should partake thereof. Let’s
get mundo-level high and play some ‘Quake III’.”
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Tim Hemlin – If Wishes Were Horses…


Tim Hemlin is a graduate of the University of New Hampshire, having studied with poets Charles Simic and Mekeel McBride.  He has published in poetry journals, anthologies, and magazines–most notably in Ellery Queen.  Currently he has six published novels, two short stories and is included in an anthology.
By day he is an educator; however after teaching ELA for 22 years he decided to put his master’s degree to work and is now a high school counselor.  In addition, he is an avid marathoner, fly-fisherman, and outdoorsman.  He lives just outside Houston, Texas with his wife Valerie, two dogs and a cantankerous cat.

Q&A With the Author:

If you could travel anywhere, on earth or off, where would you go?
. . . so if I can’t go back to the 1920s I’ll go there now.
What color would you wear if you had only one choice?
Think of George Harrison in his denim shirt and blue jeans crossing Abby Road.
Describe your dream writing spot.


A cabin in the
country with a bay window looking out over a verdant forest. In fact, one
summer I wrote one of my mysteries in the mountains of Colorado in just this
setting. Coffee and stories after an early morning trail run sounds like heaven
to me. 

Connect with the Author here: 

Facebook ~ Website ~ Amazon ~

Newsletter ~TwitterGoodreads ~

Find all of Jim Hemlin’s Books Here


If Wishes Were Horses…

” Neil Marshall is a graduate student in the University of Houston’s creative writing program and a promising young poet. However, facing a financially and emotionally draining divorce has him worried about more than paying tuition. So to make ends meet, Neil moonlights as a chef for a high society caterer.  Just when Neil’s life seems bleakest, his oldest friend, racehorse breeder Jason Keys, is murdered. And Neil becomes the prime suspect.  To avenge his friend, clear his name, and rescue a missing championship thoroughbred, Neil infiltrates the dark underworld of horse theft and illegal breeding. Neil’s friends—his attractive writing teacher, his cooking colleagues, and a freckle-faced teenage horsewoman—offer their support. But their cheers quickly turn to gasps when Neil becomes the hunted.”



Talk about high-flying euphoria
turned to grounded fear. The downshift was so sudden I could’ve thrown up. Be
cool, Neil. Okay, I wasn’t going to outrun the guy in the Taurus, and I wasn’t
going to confront him. Yet. My only other option, then, was to play the shell
game and lose the bastard. ~ Neil Marshall


2) Nothing in my twenty-eight years could’ve
prepared me for the scream that awaited me inside. Bloodcurdling, the howl
lifted every hair on my neck to attention, siphoned ten years off my life, and
threatened to claim my first child before I’d even found someone to conceive
him with. Fajitas hit the floor, fists shot up, and instinctively I crouched,
looking for the source of Satan’s cry. ~ Neil Marshall
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Ashley Nixon Cutlass & Flintlock


Ashley was born and raised in Oklahoma, where the wind really does sweep down the plains, and horses and carriages aren’t used as much as she’d like. When she’s not writing (haha, like that EVER happens!), she’s probably working out or pretending she’s Sherlock Holmes. Her obsession with writing began after reading the Lord of the Rings in the eighth grade. Since then, she’s loved everything Fantasy–resulting in an unhealthy obsession with the ‘geek’ tab on Pinterest, where all things awesome go. 


Favourite things:


  • Tea & Tea Cups – I LOVE tea. I drink it a lot when I write. I mean one cup after the other. I stopped drinking coffee about two years ago, and well…replaced it. I also love tea cups. The one below is one I got from Windsor Castle!
  • Ireland – Dingle Peninsula

    Travel – I’ve been to Ireland, Peru, Italy, and London and France – in that order. I have always dreamed of traveling, and thankfully, I’ve gotten to do it! There are so many more places I want to go! In 2016, we are returning to London and France to explore more! We also would like to visit Greece!

    Peru – Machu Picchu


    England – Tower Bridge
    Rome – The Colosseum
  • Connecting with people who love my books! The feeling I get when I talk or chill with readers is just awesome. I mean, it’s still a surreal feeling and I think it will always be, but I hope I can convey how grateful I am for every message, comment, and download of my book.



Connect with the Author here: 
Cutlass:Notorious pirate Barren Reed has one thing on his mind: Revenge against the man who killed his father. So kidnapping his enemy’s fiancé seems a perfect plan…until he actually does it.

Larkin Lee is more than a pretty face and fiancé to a powerful man. Her fierce personality is enough to make any pirate want to push her overboard.

But when the King of the Orient comes to Barren with a task—to find the Bloodstone, a powerful gem thought only to exist in legend, Barren sees another opportunity to destroy his enemy. Together, Barren, Larkin and a crew of pirates set off to find the stone, only to discover it caused the death of Barren’s own mother and Larkin’s, too. As his strongest allies turn into his greatest enemies, and the life of the girl he kidnapped becomes more important than he ever dreamed, Barren’s quest for revenge becomes a fight to save the Orient.



Flintlock:Barren Reed hopes to protect the Orient from his tyrant uncle, but his plans to make the King’s life a living hell aren’t supported by the Elders of the pirate community. As it stands, Barren has earned the Elders’ disdain for his carelessness, and they threaten him into exile if he makes one more mistake.

Barren’s not the only one feeling the Elders’ wrath—they don’t trust Larkin either. Worse, Barren can’t comprehend Larkin’s wish to have a relationship with her father, and the secrets she’s forced to keep create a tension that may pull them apart forever.

When the Pirates of Silver Crest begin to die, bullets laced with dark magic are to blame. With more and more of these weapons infiltrating the Underground, discovering who’s behind the dissemination is no easy feat. As fear and tension mount among the people of the Orient, Barren and his crew find themselves in a race against time to stop the spread of dark magic before the world of Mariana spirals into collapse.

Cannon (coming soon!)The king is dead, the Network is destroyed, and Barren Reed has been exiled by the Elders of Silver Crest. To make matters worse, the black spot–a curse of dark magic–continues to devour him. It’s true purpose is still unknown, but one thing is certain: It will corrupt Barren in the worst way.

With her greatest secret revealed, Larkin Lee flees Maris. Accused of slaying the king, there’s only one place to go–Silver Crest. But Barren isn’t happy to see her, and their reunion leaves more questions unanswered, including whether they have a future together.

As Datherious rises in power, Barren and Larkin must work together to find the fifth Relic to complete the King’s Gold and prevent Datherious from obtaining control over dark magic, but the black spot has other ideas, and the closer they get to finding the final Relic, the more corrupt Barren becomes. Larkin finds herself in a head to head battle with the only man she’s ever loved and the reality is harsh–only one can walk away alive.



A knock interrupted Cove’s thoughts and he uncurled the fingers he hadn’t realized he’d been clenching. He waited, expecting Camille to answer or enter the study any minute to tell him someone was here to see him. Though he didn’t have any appointments that he was aware of, it wasn’t unlikely for someone to drop by for a few moments.
The knock sounded again. Camille and Nob must be busy, he thought. He strode into the foyer and opened the door.
“Sara,” Cove took a step back, trying to stifle the surprise in his voice as he took in the woman at his door. She was Sara Rosamund—a friend, and the daughter of Frank Rosamund. Her sapphire blue eyes were painfully innocent and so kind, and set within the prettiest face, heart-shaped and fair-skinned. Her blond hair was pinned up in a bun, but she could never quite catch all the strands, as loose curls always managed to make their way free. Her lithe frame was draped in blue, a coat with black clasps kept her gown hidden, and white gloves covered her fragile hands. They’d grown up together, both having fathers in politics, and had spent many nights walking the gardens behind his house during balls and their fathers’ social calls.
“What a surprise,” he gestured to his foyer. “Come in.”
He closed the door behind her and as he turned to face her, Camille appeared from the hallway. “Apologies, Master Rowell,” she said, and then her eyes moved to Sara. “Ah! Miss Rosamund, it is good to see you!”
She swept forward and took her hand. A warm smile spread across Sara’s face as she folded her hand over Camille’s. “You look as lovely as a flower!”
“Camille,” Cove interrupted. They both turned to look at him, and he felt bad for halting their reunion. “Will you bring Miss Rosamund tea?”
“Why yes, of course!” she said and patted Sara’s hand before running off toward the kitchen. An awkwardness fell between them in Camille’s absence.
“Shall we sit?” Cove asked, indicating the open doors of his study. He permitted Sara to walk before him, feeling a little self-conscious at the clutter he’d allowed to overtake the space. She didn’t seem to mind and went straight for the chair she’d always claimed as hers, the one closest to the windows. His heart felt heavy as he recalled the many nights she’d sat there, staring out the unblocked windows, admiring the starry sky.
“Does the daylight bother your work?” she asked, looking at the heavy curtains that now covered the windows. He hadn’t bothered to open them since returning from his adventure with Barren. Perhaps this space offered too many memories.
“No, not usually,” he said. When she did not seem to like his response he added, “Though it does get warm in here with the windows unblocked.”
She seemed to comprehend, mouthing ‘Oh’ in understanding, but silence fell between them again, and tension built. Why was this difficult? Things with Sara had never been difficult before.
Camille brought tea. Any other time, her excited chatter would not bother Cove, but today he was feeling impatient. He had a long list of things to do to prepare for the ball, and there were pirates in his house. Not to mention Camille’s love for Sara was just a reminder of what once was.
Camille left when the doorbell rang, and Cove was glad for it until silence filled the room again. For a while the clank of Sara’s cup and saucer sounded as she sipped tea. After a moment, she set the china aside.
“I’m sorry if you are busy,” Sara said. She played with the hem of her sleeve, pulling it down over her hand. Cove watched the motion closely. It was a strange thing to think, but he’d never noticed that habit before. Was she nervous? “I know the ball is tonight, and I could have waited to speak with you then, but I wasn’t certain I could catch you alone. I tried to call earlier in the week, but Camille said you were away,” she paused and finally met his gaze. Her sapphire eyes were so sincere. “You’re gone so often now.”
“It is the nature of my job,” he said. “As you well know.”
“Yes,” she said with a hesitant smile. “I suppose, yet it was not so in the beginning.”
“Times are changing. The sea is…unpredictable.”
“Are you speaking of piracy?”
He stared back at her, taking a sip of tea. “Yes, among other things,” he replied.
“Oh, it is awful,” she said. “There were three men hanged in Maris just yesterday. I don’t understand why we must make a spectacle of a human’s life, no matter their transgressions.”
“Many would argue pirates are not human.”
“You don’t believe that, do you?” She stared at him, almost demanding.
“I suppose it’s never mattered what I believed,” he said. He cleared his throat and stood. “But the news at sea won’t affect your plans, will it?”
“Mine?” she was confused.
“The wedding,” said Cove. “Ben’s campaign centers on piracy. I can’t imagine how he will balance the two—a new wife and his obsession.”
She seemed surprised. “It’s not like you to be so cynical.”
They stared at one another, and then Cove laughed. “You’ll forgive me, I did not intend to insult your beloved.”
“Don’t,” she shuddered and took a breath. “Don’t apologize.”
Cove had a feeling that’s not what the shudder was for.
“We digress,” he took the moment to turn the conversation in a different direction and smiled politely at her. “What had you hoped to discuss in secrecy?”
She cleared her throat and stood, smoothing out the folds of her dress and pulling down on the sleeves of her coat again.
“I…,” she began, taking a breath, but she hesitated, twisting her fingers together. It was strange to see her like this, so changed. Had her engagement made her a different person? Or had Ben?
“Sara,” Cove watched her as she spoke, and her eyes seemed to grow wider. “You can tell me anything.”
She opened her mouth to speak, but looked away. “I just…I just wanted to say that I’m glad you’re back.”
Cove raised a brow and stared. “Oh,” and there was silence.
She curtsied. “I must go,” she said, and turned quickly to leave the study. Cove followed closely behind her.
She reached the door when he called out, “Sara!” She turned around to face him, and suddenly he wasn’t sure what he had wanted to say. There was nothing he could say that would bring her back to him and nothing that could undo the decision she’d already made.
“You will invite me to the wedding?”
“Cove,” her voice was a whisper, and her eyes glazed with fresh tears. It might have disarmed him, but he had worked for a very long time to maintain the composure he had now. He reached behind her and opened the front door.
“Have a good day, Sara.” His words were just above a whisper, and they urged her out the door. She turned and hurried to her waiting carriage. Cove watched it rattle off until he could see it no longer. When he closed the door and turned, he found Barren watching him from atop the stairs.
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In Every Way By Amy Sparling

In Every Way banner
This is my stop during the book blitz for In Every Way by Amy Sparling. This book blitz is organized by Lola’s Blog Tours. The book blitz runs from 13 till 19 September. You can see the tour schedule here

In Every WayIn Every Way
By Amy Sparling
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Age category: Young Adult
Release Date: 13 September, 2016

It’s the start of summer and Josh Graham will be working at his parent’s surf shop. When his best friend Colby goes on vacation, Josh is stuck working with Bryce—and all of Bryce’s terrible ideas for summer. They make a list of what the “perfect girlfriend” would be like, and now they plan to find her. It shouldn’t be too hard, since Josh is one of the hottest, most popular guys in school. Right?

Bess Navarre would rather read a book than go outside. She’s chubby, dorky, and a self-proclaimed loser. But when her grandmother volunteers her to work at a jewelry kiosk on the beach, Bess has to comply, no matter how humiliating it is. Bikinis and Bess do not go together, and now she feels even dorkier than ever.

When Bess and Josh’s paths collide, sparks fly. But it won’t be that easy. Bryce wants Josh to date a supermodel. And although Bess might just fit all of the things on Josh’s list, she won’t give herself a chance to figure it out.

You can find In Every Way on Goodreads

You can buy In Every Way here:
Amazon Paperback
Amazon UK

Amy SparlingAbout the Author:
Amy Sparling is the author of The Summer Unplugged Series, Deadbeat & other awesome books for younger teens. She lives in Texas and has an addiction to sparkly nail polish, taking photos of her cute dog, and swooning over book boyfriends.

You can find and contact Amy here:

There is a book blitz wide giveaway for the book blitz of In Every Way. These are the prizes you can win:
– a signed paperback of In Every Way by Amy Sparling (US only)
– a 10$ amazon gift card (International)

For a chance to win, enter the giveaway below:
a Rafflecopter giveaway

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Princess of the Damned by Wendy Knight

Princess of the Damned RB BannerTitle: Princess Of The Damned
Series: Skeleton Key
Author: Wendy Knight
Genre: Young Adult, Urban Fantasy

Princess of the Damned EBOOK UPDATED



What do you do when the face in the mirror isn’t yours?

Landon has never seen his own reflection. He saw hers instead. He grew up watching this girl in the mirror grow with him. Grew up memorizing every feature, every movement, every horror she endured. He can see into her palace, into the darkness she’s trapped in.

When he was little, he told his parents about her. They thought she was an imaginary friend, and they humored him.

But she didn’t go away.

And when Landon was seventeen, he fell in love with her.

She is a captive of the Queen of the Damned.

Now he’ll risk everything to try to save her—his life, his home, his entire world.

Bloody Mary

The queen in the mirror.

Bloody Mary

Waiting to steal your soul.

Bloody Ma…


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Princess of the Damned Teaser #3


“You want me to help Eiress?”

She nodded, a silvery tear snaking its way down her cheek.

“I will. Anything. Just tell me how.” He would have grabbed her hand to hold her to him if it were possible. His fear was gone—anything that could help him help Eiress was not something to be feared.

He hoped.

“I am…her mother…”

Landon swore again. Of course. It all made sense now.

She reached past him, touched the mirror again, and Landon turned to see it swirl away from Eiress’s empty chambers to an altogether different scene. A woman—the ghost in front of him—but still alive, knelt over the lifeless body of a young girl, maybe twelve years old. Her neck was torn, the ground around her soaked in blood. The woman sobbed as paramedics came, as cops came, as strangers with cameras came. A baby boy screamed on the floor next to her. They asked her questions. They asked her what had happened, and she couldn’t answer them. They asked her where her other little girl was. Her sweet little girl.


Where had Eiress gone?

The mirror swirled, time seemed to pass, and the woman sank into despair as she searched for her lost little girl. The funeral, the questions, the constant, never ending search. Someone came and took the baby away.

And then the swirling stopped. In the flashback, the woman stared at the mirror, sobbing, in the darkness.

Eiress appeared in front of her.

Landon recognized her. This was when he’d started seeing her, or soon after.

“Mama, please, I can’t stay long.” Eiress looked over her shoulder. “Please, stop looking. Please. Where I am—you can’t—you can’t save me. Please move on, Mama. I love you.” Eiress put her hand to the mirror.

The woman cried harder, raised her hand, reaching for Eiress—but Eiress screamed once and then was gone.

“I can’t save her. I can’t save her. I can’t…” The woman raised her head, eyes terrified, yet full of determination. “I can’t save her while I’m alive. But I can…” The next image was the woman, standing next to her own dead body.

She’d taken her own life.

Princess of the Damned Teaser #2



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Skeleton Key

An innovative and collaborative collection of fantasy stories, each with a Happily Ever After.

One magical key.
The turn of a lock.
An adventure of a lifetime.

The Skeleton Key finds those who are brave enough. Curious enough. Crazy enough. It only needs an unsuspecting hand and inconspicuous door. Magic uncoils and where the door leads, no one knows. The one way to discover the truth is to step through into a world of the exotic and untold.

If you dare to dream the impossible…
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About the Author

Wendy Knight - 10-11-2014-5 (3)

Wendy Knight is the award-winning, bestselling author of the young adult series Fate on Fire and Riders of Paradesos. She was born and raised in Utah by a wonderful family who spoiled her rotten because she was the baby. Now she spends her time driving her husband crazy with her many eccentricities (no water after five, terror when faced with a live phone call, no touching the knives…you get the idea). She also enjoys chasing her three adorable kids, playing tennis, watching football, reading, and hiking. Camping is also big—her family is slowly working toward a goal of seeing all the National Parks in the U.S.

You can usually find her with at least one Pepsi nearby, wearing ridiculously high heels for whatever the occasion. And if everything works out just right, she will also be writing.

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Pieces of Camden by Yessi Smith

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Title: Pieces of Camden
Author: Yessi Smith
Genre: New Adult
Release Date: June 20

Pieces of Camden-eBook


This isn’t a love story, but it is a story of love.
And hate.

And struggle.

And addiction.

Then there’s Yanelys Sanchez—the one who made the journey worthwhile. She was the one who picked up my broken pieces, smoothed out the rough edges, and made me whole.

At least as much as I can be.

I’m still failing, still recovering, still trying. I’m only human—drunk on the idea that she, and only she, can save me.

Pieces of Camden Pre-order


Special Pre-Order Price of 99¢

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About The Author


Yessi Smith lives in South Florida with her husband, seven-year-old son, and newborn baby. She is also owned by a neurotic border collie and “ferocious” rottweiler.

She has a bachelor’s degree in business management and a master’s in human resource management. She has held several jobs, from picking up dog poop to upper management positions. Now, she hopes to leave the business world behind, so she can live full-time in a world that does not exist until she places her fingers on a keyboard and brings it to fruition.

Previous work includes Life’s A Cappella, Love, Always, New Forever and Life Interrupted.

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Teaser Blitz for Pieces of Camden by Yessi Smith

Pieces of Camden TB Banner

Title: Pieces of Camden
Author: Yessi Smith
Genre: New Adult
Release Date: June 20

Pieces of Camden-eBook


This isn’t a love story, but it is a story of love.
And hate.

And struggle.

And addiction.

Then there’s Yanelys Sanchez—the one who made the journey worthwhile. She was the one who picked up my broken pieces, smoothed out the rough edges, and made me whole.

At least as much as I can be.

I’m still failing, still recovering, still trying. I’m only human—drunk on the idea that she, and only she, can save me.

Pieces of Camden Pre-order


Special Pre-Order Price of 99¢

Amazon US| Amazon UK | Amazon CA | Amazon AU


About The Author


Yessi Smith lives in South Florida with her husband, seven-year-old son, and newborn baby. She is also owned by a neurotic border collie and “ferocious” rottweiler.

She has a bachelor’s degree in business management and a master’s in human resource management. She has held several jobs, from picking up dog poop to upper management positions. Now, she hopes to leave the business world behind, so she can live full-time in a world that does not exist until she places her fingers on a keyboard and brings it to fruition.

Previous work includes Life’s A Cappella, Love, Always, New Forever and Life Interrupted.

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