School of Deaths by Christopher Mannino

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I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
Suzie Sarnio is a 13-year-old girl starting 8th grade. She is literally skin and bones and no doctor can explain it. She is also having dreams of a robed man with a scythe. She is taken by this man as her mom watches and brought to the in between as the first female Death in a million years. She must spend a year learning how to be a Death and all that the job entails. Not only does she have to suffer the loss she feels from being uprooted from her family, she also has to struggle with the constant torment she receives at the hands of the entire male population of Deaths. The only ones that befriend her are her roommates Billy, Frank, and Jason. Soon she learns about the first female Death that was put to death for betraying the Deaths and allying with the Elemental’s (‘Mentals) to forge a war that would ultimately place the ‘Mentals into slavery. Suzie must uncover the past and determine where she truly belongs and what role she must play to right the wrongs that occurred those many years ago. Will she be successful? Stay tuned to find out in book 2

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